
|| A warm welcome to you, for visiting this website - RAMESH KHOLA || || "बुद्धिहीन व्यक्ति पिशाच अर्थात दुष्ट के सिवाय कुछ नहीं है"- चाणक्य ( कौटिल्य ) || || "पुरुषार्थ से दरिद्रता का नाश होता है, जप से पाप दूर होता है, मौन से कलह की उत्पत्ति नहीं होती और सजगता से भय नहीं होता" - चाणक्य (कौटिल्य ) || || "एक समझदार आदमी को सारस की तरह होश से काम लेना चाहिए, उसे जगह, वक्त और अपनी योग्यता को समझते हुए अपने कार्य को सिद्ध करना चाहिए" - चाणक्य (कौटिल्य ) || || "कुमंत्रणा से राजा का, कुसंगति से साधु का, अत्यधिक दुलार से पुत्र का और अविद्या से ब्राह्मण का नाश होता है" - विदुर || || सचिव बैद गुर तीनि जौं प्रिय बोलहिं भय आस राज धर्म तन तीनि कर होइ बेगिहीं नास - गोस्वामी तुलसीदास (श्रीरामचरितमानस, सुंदरकाण्ड, दोहा संख्या 37) || || जब आपसे बहस (वाद-विवाद) करने वाले की भाषा असभ्य हो जाये, तो उसकी बोखलाहट से समझ लेना कि उसका मनोबल गिर चुका है और उसकी आत्मा ने हार स्वीकार कर ली है - रमेश खोला ||

Welcome board



आपका हार्दिक अभिनन्दन है


07 November 2012



                                  HARYANA SCHOOL TEACHER SELECTION BOARD
                                    HARTRON BHAWAN, BAYSN O.7 3.76, SECTOR.z,
                                                         PANCHKULA -1 34105
                                                       Website - www.hstsb,gov,in
Candidate should bring with him/her the following Original Documents alongwith photocopies:-

1,. Original Marks Sheets, Diploma/Degrees from Matriculation onwards, Sports Gradation
Certificate [in respect of OSP candidates], SC/BC Certificate, HTET/STET Certificate, 4 years
Experience Certificate with Salary & date of issued [lf so required). NCC B or C Grade Certificates
and National/lnternational level sports participation certificates will be brought.

2. Post Graduation certificate other than subject applied and Degree of M.Ed., M.Phil and Ph.D will
also be brought.

3. One time exemption certificate for HTET/STET & one time upper age relaxation certificate from
Head of the Institute is required to be verified by DEO & counter signed by Director of Secondary
Education of the concerned State. Same procedure will be adopted by the school affiliated to

4. Printed copy of online application form duly signed by the Candidates along with Photo, Identity
Proof i.e.I dentity Card/Driving License/Passport/VoterC ard/PanC ard etc,

5. 33% horizontal reservation for female candidates will be admissible to the domicile of Haryana

6. Proof of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric standard.

7. Proof of Date of Birth.

8. Proof of fee deposited in SBI in the form of Fee Challan against Registration Number issued by
C-DACM, ohal i .

9. SC/BCIESM/DESM/DFF/OSP/PHCca ndidatew ill bring Haryana Domicile Certificatei ssued by
the concerned SDO (Civil)/City Magistrate/Tehsildar.

10. ESM candidate will bring with him Original Discharge Book and self declaration to the effect that
he is not in Government Service or working on lower post.

11. DESMc andidatew ill bring with him 'Valid Eligibility Certificate'i ssuedb y the Zila SainikB oard.
(Note: The relationship certificate will not be acceptedJ.

12, DESM candidate will bring an Affidavit to the effect that he/she was not ceased to be a DESM till
today or any other member of his family has not taken benefit of DESM in Government Service.

13. PHCC andidatesb ring with him (40% & aboved isability certificateJ,


1. Mere issuances of admit card does not entitle a candidate to take his/her interview. Candidature
of the applicant is provisional subject to his/her fulfilment of eligibility conditions on cut-off date
as per advertisement.

2' If on verification at any time before or after the interview or appointment, it is found that a
candidated oes not fulfil any of the eligibilityc onditionso r it is found that the information
furnishedis falseo r incorrecth eirc andidaturwe ill bec ancelled.

3' If the candidated oesn ot attendt he verificationo n due date,n o other chance6 f Verificationw ill
be given.

Thef ollowinga rel ikelyc auseso f rejection:-
i, Moret han onea pplicationf or a particularc ategory.
ii. Applicationis incompletea ndn ot onlinef ormatg iveni n theA dvertisement.
iii. Fullf eei f not depositedin the mannerp rescribed.
iv, Experienccee rtificatew, herea pplicableis, withoutd etailo f salaryp er monthr eceived.
v, Onlinea pplicationa fterc losingd ate.
vi. Noq ualificationo f Hindi/sanskriat sp rescribedin advertisemenr.
vii' Applicandt oesn ot possestsh e requisitea, cademiqc ualificationo n cutoffd ate.
viii' Applicandt oesn ot indicatev isiblei dentificatiomn arki n appropriatec olumno f applicationfo rm.
ix. Candidaties underage/overagoen thec utoffdate/closindga te.
x, Variationin datao f onlinea pplicationfo rma ndo riginalsw henb roughtf or interview.
xi. OFF LINE form sent by post.
xii. Lacko f essentiaql ualificationa sp rescribedin advertisement.

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विजिटर्स के लिए सन्देश

साथियो , यहां डाली गयी पोस्ट्स के बारे में प्रतिक्रिया जरूर करें , ताकि वांछित सुधार का मौका मिले : रमेश खोला

संपर्क करने का माध्यम


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